Faye, I was just thinking about that recently. I used to be a perfectionist big time, I mean everything had to be just right, otherwise I would go crazy thinking about it.
I'm not so much anymore and I was trying to figure out WHY. What happened to me that I'm not like that anymore? What did I do to change that part of my personality?
I have a hypothesis. Since I woke up two years ago, I've read tons of books on all kinds of subjects. Books on Psychology, Anthropology, Biology, criminal behavior, history, culture, and I think it has slowly changed my thinking without me being aware of it.I started noticing that Non-jw perfection is totally different from WT perfection.
The WT focuses a lot on striving for perfection not just in this life but during the 1000 year reign. Remember the illustration that all humans MISS the MARK of PERFECTION. How did that make you feel? I know for me, it made me feel like I had to do better and I had to try harder to get closer to the Bullseye.It was never ending.
This has a major effect on the members. As a former elder, you would be surprise how many times I heard the words, "But I'm Imperfect, I'm a sinner, I missed the mark. This was for little things. Like a sister would confess that she had bad thoughts when she saw a handsome man, or a brother who confessed that he had a dream about another woman. A lot of the friends wanted to be "Perfect" according to the WT definition of perfection. That idea was ingrained in us in a very subtly way and I think a lot of us don't realize the powerful effects the idea of WT perfection had on our lives.
They really messed us up didn't they.